Promotional Opportunities
National Model United Nations (NMUN) offers your institution exposure and access to thousands of globally-minded university students from every continent except Antarctica. Preparation for and participation in our United Nations simulations help individuals to develop intercultural competencies and actively engage in an increasingly interconnected world. Help support our mission with a financial contribution to our Model UN Programs by taking advantage of the following promotional opportunities. We also welcome individual donations.
NMUN•NY Opportunity Fair and Program Ads
Sunday, 6 and 13 April 2025
4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. (set up any time after 4:00 p.m.)
The world’s largest intercollegiate United Nations simulation, NMUN•NY, is held each spring in New York City. Participants annually include over 4,000 university students and their faculty members, and over 100 volunteer staff members all from more than 120 countries around the world. Help support us and expose your institution to these thousands of intelligent and internationally engaged individuals. To advertise in the New York online conference program and/or exhibit at the New York Opportunity Fairs, complete the NY online reservation form. Please note, your donations are nonrefundable.
- Opportunity Fair Table: $300 USD (price includes both dates)
- NY Half Page Ad (Size: 7.75" w x 5” h): $300 USD
- NY Full Page Ad (Size: 7.75” w x 10.25” h): $600 USD
March 3 - Ads not received by this date may not appear in the program. Contact us after this date to see if there's still time to submit an ad. Ad Details.
New Location
New York Hilton Midtown Hotel
3rd Floor, Grand Ballroom Foyer
1335 Avenue of the Americas (6th Ave. at 53rd St.)
New York, NY 10019 USA
NMUN•DC Opportunity Fair and Program Ads
DC 2025 Opportunity Fair
Friday, 7 November 2025
2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. (set up a half hour before)
NMUN•DC is held in early November in the Washington, DC area. In 2024 we drew over 850 high quality college and university students from around the globe. Most have a deep interest in international relations. To advertise in the DC online conference program and/or exhibit at the DC Opportunity Fair, complete the DC online reservation form. Please note, your donations are nonrefundable.
- Opportunity Fair Table: $150 USD
- DC Half Page Ad (Size: 7.75“ w x 5” h): $150 USD
- DC Full Page Ad (Size: 7.75” w x 10.25” h): $300 USD
October 6 - Ads not received by this date may not appear in the program. Contact us after this date to see if there's still time to submit an ad. Ad Details.
Crystal Gateway Marriott Hotel
First Level, Foyer outside the Arlington Ballroom
1700 Richmond Highway
Arlington, VA 22202 USA