Hotel Information

D.C. Hotel Information

All students, faculty, and guests are required to stay at the conference hotel.

Reservation Process - Opens 1 August

Reservations for our discount rate are only available through NMUN, not via the hotel's site or phone reservation system. You must complete the following steps before your hotel reservations will be made. Contact us with all hotel questions.

  1. Request hotel rooms on the Confirm Delegation Numbers and Hotel form.
  2. Submit your Hotel Rooming List to between 1 September - 1 October.
  3. Submit your payment to NMUN by 1 October (payment options).
Changes to Reservations

Add or Drop Rooms: update both items 1 and 2 above. Rooms cannot be canceled after 1 October.
Roommate Changes: send us an updated Rooming List with the changes highlighted.

Hotel and Conference Space

Crystal Gateway Marriott Hotel
1700 Richmond Highway
Arlington, VA 22202 USA

Other Details

NMUN negotiates a limited number of hotel rooms at this reduced rate. Once the rooms sell out and/or the deadline passes, whichever comes first, rooms may significantly increase in cost or be unavailable.
Our discount rate is available for days before or after the conference at the discretion of the hotel. If there are dates you want to stay that do not appear on our reservation form, contact us and we will see if the hotel will extend our discount rate to those dates. Reserve hotel rooms before making travel arrangements.