Hotel Information
Canada Hotel Information
Everyone is required to stay at the conference hotel and participate in the four day (Tuesday-Friday) lunch plan. These prices are in Canadian dollars. The hotel price is per room and is for the mandatory six night stay (Sunday-Friday nights).
Reservation Process - opens 1 May
Delegations need to use the Banff Centre's online form (available 1 May) to reserve and pay for their rooms and lunch plans directly with them. Note all of their policies and deadlines, especially those regarding room cancellations and refunds. NMUN will not be sending hotel reminders. Please contact us with any general hotel questions; contact the Banff Centre with specific lodging questions.
Banff Centre
107 Tunnel Mountain Drive
Box 1020, Stn. 43
Banff, AB T1L1H5 Canada
Phone: 403.763.6712
Toll-Free: 1-800-884-7574
Email: reservations@banffcentre.ca