Washington, D.C. 2009 Archive
Conference Resources
General Assembly 1st Committee: Disarmament & International Security (GA1)
- The Role of Private Military and Security Companies in Conflict
- Strengthening of Security and Cooperation in Afghanistan
- The Role of Nuclear Technology in a Peaceful World
General Assembly 3rd Committee: Social, Humanitarian & Cultural (GA3)
- Establishing a Culture of Peace in Central Asia
- Post-Violence Reintegration of Ethnic Minorities
- Preventing Illicit Drugs to our Global Youth
Security Council (SC)
- The Situation in Darfur
- Protecting Civilians in Armed Conflict: The Case of Pakistan
- Preventing Violence in International Waters
African Union (AU)
- Addressing Conflict Minerals in Central Africa
- The Situation Concerning Zimbabwe
- Strengthening Peacekeeping Capabilities in Africa
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)
- Framework for Preventing a Future Financial Crisis
- Achieving Energy Security & Environmentally Sound Development
- The Post-Nargis Response and Preparedness Plan (PONREPP): Moving the Rebuilding Framework Forward.
UN Environment Programme (UNEP)
- Promoting Environmental Governance in Developing Nations
- The Impact of Climate Change on Humanitarian Efforts
- Water in a Changing World: The Need for Urgent Action
Special Session for the Working Group on Children & Armed Conflict (CAAC)
- The Situation Concerning Child Soldiers in Myanmar
- Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) for Child Soldiers
- Preventing Grave Crimes Against Children: The Case of Kyungu Mutanga & Thomas Lubanga