Latin America 2010 Quito, Ecuador Archive
NMUN•LATIN AMERICA 2010 was held in Quito, Ecuador. Limited to 150 participants, this outstanding conference included five committees as well as expert speakers and numerous cultural opportunities. Held in cooperation with Universidad San Francisco de Quito in Ecuador, NMUN•Latin America included a Summit of the Americas simulation conducted in Spanish.
General Assembly (GA)
- Improving Human Security in the Developing States
- Protecting the Global Climate for Present and Future Generations
Economic & Social Council (ECOSOC)
- Follow-up to the International Conference on Financing for Development
- Strengthening of the Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance: Present Challenges and their Impact on the Future
Security Council (SC)
- Non-Proliferation and Iran
- Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict
Cumbre de las Américas/ Summit of the Americas (held in Spanish)
- La Seguridad de Recursos Energéticos
- La Implementación Regional del Plan de Acción Hemisférica en la Lucha contra el Terrorismo y los Carteles de Drogas.
The International Court of Justice (ICJ)
- Accordance with International Law of the Unilateral Declaration of Independence by the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government of Kosovo (Request for Advisory Opinion)
- Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay (Argentina v. Uruguay)