Korea 2013 Songdo, Republic of Korea Archive


General Assembly Plenary (GA Plen)

  1. Improving the Coordination of Efforts Against Trafficking in Persons
  2. Water and Disasters

Economic and Social Council Plenary (ECOSOC Plen)

  1. Mainstreaming Disability in the Post-2015 Development Agenda
  2. Science and Technology for Development

Security Council (SC)

  1. Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict
  2. The Situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of the Parties (UNFCCC COP)

  1. Assessing the Role of Regional Economic Integration Organizations, in Particular the European Union, in the Durban Process
  2. International Mechanisms to Address Loss and Damage

Program Partners

Yonsei University