Germany 2023 Erfurt, Germany Archive
NMUN • Germany - Erfurt
NMUN • Germany was once again held in partnership with the University of Erfurt. Delegates from colleges and universities all over the world focused on pressing global issues while appreciating how a modern European city thrives alongside the region’s medieval and Cold War history. The conference took place in Erfurt's historic downtown (video). Study tour destinations included a visit to the Buchenwald (concentration camp) Memorial, Wartburg Castle (a UNESCO world heritage site where Luther translated the bible into German), and the Point Alpha Memorial (a Cold War U.S. observation post on the East German border, next to a portion of the Iron Curtain). There were also study tour options related to Jewish-Medieval Heritage in Erfurt’s well preserved medieval city center (a UNESCO World Heritage site), Postcolonial Erfurt where the direct effects of colonialism were witnessed, Peaceful Revolution related to the events in 1989 that led to the fall of the Berlin Wall and later culminated in the reunion of the two German states, Museum Gedenkstätte Andreasstrasse (a former GDR prison for political dissidents and venue for our Human Rights Council) where more than 5,000 people were imprisoned between 1949 and 1989.
Photos Credit: https://www.foto-tomwenig.de/
General Assembly Plenary (GA)
- Implementation of the Convention against Corruption
- Science, Technology, and Innovation for Sustainable Development
Human Rights Council (HRC)
- Freedom of Expression and Access to Information in the Digital Age
- Promoting the Right to Food in the Context of Conflicts and Violence
Security Council (SC)
- The Role of Youth in Peace and Security
- Strengthening Women’s Resilience and Leadership as a Path to Peace in Regions Plagued by Armed Groups
United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA)
- Promoting Multilateralism to Combat Climate Change, Biodiversity Loss, and Pollution
- Promoting Resource Efficiency in Urban Development
Volunteer Leadership