APEC 2011 Archive
This simulation was held at the same time as the High Level APEC meeting in the US capital of Washington, DC Delegates benefited from interaction with representatives of APEC member states as they discused issues facing this vibrant region. NMUN•APEC was held in partnership with the Osgood Center for International Studies with additional support from the Friends of APEC
Conference Resources
Emergency Preparedness
- Mobility of Business People After Natural Emergencies
- The Role of Science and Technology in Emergency Preparedness
- Sharing Information on Risk Reduction Among APEC Economies, Businesses and International Partners
- Deploying Cleaner and More Efficient Energy Technologies
- Maritime Energy Transport Security
- APEC’s Contribution to Green Innovation
Food Security
- Recent Progress in Biofuels Technologies
- Agribusiness Challenges in an Economy’s Legal and Regulatory Environment
- APEC’s Ability to Adjust and Mitigate the Impact of Climate Change
- Global Health Epidemics: Threats to Agriculture, Trade & Tourism
- Improving Health Promotion through Advances in Health Information Technology
- Women’s Contribution to Global Health
Human Resource Development
- Investment in Higher Education in the APEC Region
- Reinforcing Social Protection & Employment Assistance for Vulnerable Groups
- Improving Students’ Intercultural Adaptability and Constructive Interaction
Internal Security
- Enhancing Regional Cooperation through Counter-Terrorism Financing
- Applying Mechanisms for Combating Corruption and Money Laundering
- Re-Evaluating the STAR Priorities for 2011: The Secure Trade in the APEC Region (STAR) Initiative
Trade and Investment
- Growth in the 21st Century: Making APEC More Relevant to Key Stakeholders
- Promoting Environmental Goods and Services (ESG) for Sustainable Economic Development
- Strengthening Regional Economic Integration: Reversing Direct Investment Levels in APEC Economies