Washington, D.C. 2010 Archive
Conference Resources
General Assembly First Committee (GA1)
- Toward a Nuclear Weapons Free World
- The Development of Telecommunications and Science in the Context of
- International Security
- Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling,
- Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction
General Assembly Second Committee (GA2)
- Promoting Development within Globalization and Interdependence
- The Needs of Landlocked Countries
- Renewable Development, Deforestation, and Desertification
Security Council (SC)
- The Situation in North Korea
- Food Insecurity and Conflict
- The Role of Children in Armed Conflict
Commission on Narcotic Drugs
- Strengthening Support to Combat Drug Trafficking in West Africa
- Assistance to States Affected by the Transit of Illicit Drugs
- Organized Crime and its Threat to Security
Committee on Sustainable Development
- Promoting the Growth of the Agro-Industry
- Technology and Economic Growth
- Women in the Workforce
World Health Organization
- Increasing Access to Medical Care in Developing Countries
- Promoting Inter-State Communication within the Medical Communities
- Providing Basic and Primary Health Care Services After Natural Disasters